Gov Accountability

Atlas Network vs. USAID

Lebanese Institute for Market Studies
The 2024 Templeton Freedom Award-winning team at Lebanese Institute for Market Studies.
Brad Lips

Brad Lips | CEO, Atlas Network

For decades, we’ve championed Atlas Network’s unique model as an alternative to top-down, government-funded programs to improve economic development and foster liberal democracy.

Now is our moment to prove that our approach not only works, but can scale.

Recent scrutiny of USAID and other government-funded entities has revealed plenty of initiatives that were wasteful and counterproductive. We’re not surprised! Programs that are designed in Washington, DC and funded through political processes will lack accountability and will fail to utilize local knowledge about what works.

Investments to achieve free, prosperous, and peaceful societies around the world are very important. But, how we achieve that vision matters.

Atlas Network’s approach is fundamentally different and it works:

  • We support locally-led projects designed by think tank leaders who are inspired by the freedom philosophy.

  • We design our support as a match of local funding sources, so partners will become self-sustaining to achieve lasting impact in their communities.

  • We lean on the principled insights of the freedom movement’s great scholars, and the past experiences of others in our network, to accelerate solutions that work.

Solutions that work include:

Ending price controls and subsidies to restore citizens’ access to fuel, medicines, and food staples in Lebanon.
Advocating for legal reforms to improve women’s property rights in Burundi.
And replacing Marxist text books with free enterprise education in Ukraine.

These three impactful, pro-freedom projects are just a few of the stories we can tell about the more than 500 organizations we partner with in more than 100 countries.

You can trust that more good stories are on the way, thanks to our amazing partner organizations around the world. We just closed our books on 2024, and can confirm two important things:

  1. During 2024, we saw our grantees’ report on 270 policy wins that get unnecessary bureaucracy out of the way to unleash human potential.

  2. During 2024, thanks to our donors, we directed $11 million into projects designed by our partners – more than any other year in Atlas Network history.

Our Annual Impact Report will be issued in April. You’ll see that we reliably report great results, thanks to the judiciousness of our processes and the incredible network of independent partners that we’ve helped cultivate over decades.

We owe our thanks to our generous donors for supporting Atlas Network’s effort to prove how private philanthropy and a pro-liberty localization strategy can reliably produce real results.

If you’ve never donated before, now is the time to discover how your investment in Atlas Network can deliver major ROI for freedom worldwide.

Donate to Atlas Network today and you’ll get access to special benefits, including a print subscription to our Freedom’s Champion magazine, personal email updates from me each month, and exclusive opportunities to meet unforgettable liberty advocates who will continually amaze and inspire you.

You can also learn more about our mission with your FREE digital copy of Freedom’s Champion magazine, or by watching our latest Atlas Network webinars.

On principle, Atlas Network has never taken a penny of taxpayer money. But we can only fulfill our mission with your voluntary support. Will you join Atlas Network today?