Center for Europe 2

ATLAS NETWORK Initiatives for Europe

Atlas Network envisions a future of freedom and dynamism for the countries of Europe, by partnering with civil society organizations making Europe's economies more competitive, and protecting its institutions of liberal democracy.

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As a member of the Atlas Network Board of Directors, who spent a portion of my career in my native France, I am delighted to have helped support Atlas Network initiatives in Europe. This is a dangerous moment for Europe. Vladimir Putin has brought war back to our continent. Short-sighted policies, to address COVID and climate concerns, have hampered the competitiveness of Europe's businesses and lowered living standards for her populations. Atlas Network is proud of its association with 148 European think tanks that share our vision, and I’m eager to see our partnership become a catalyst to their increased effectiveness in the months and years to come.

At Net Jean Claude Gruffat

Jean-Claude Gruffat

Investment Banker