ATLAS NETWORK Initiatives for Europe
Atlas Network envisions a future of freedom and dynamism for the countries of Europe, by partnering with civil society organizations making Europe's economies more competitive, and protecting its institutions of liberal democracy.
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As a member of the Atlas Network Board of Directors, who spent a portion of my career in my native France, I am delighted to have helped support Atlas Network initiatives in Europe. This is a dangerous moment for Europe. Vladimir Putin has brought war back to our continent. Short-sighted policies, to address COVID and climate concerns, have hampered the competitiveness of Europe's businesses and lowered living standards for her populations. Atlas Network is proud of its association with 148 European think tanks that share our vision, and I’m eager to see our partnership become a catalyst to their increased effectiveness in the months and years to come.

Jean-Claude Gruffat
Investment Banker
Atlas Network partners in Europe are skeptical of the illiberal right and the socialist left. Ours is a practical agenda:
- To restore economic competitiveness in Europe by removing burdensome regulations;
- To rebuild trust in liberal institutions by reining in the scope of their authority; and
- To liberate individuals across the continent to use their talents within the kind of “system of natural liberty” that Adam Smith recognized as conducive to increasing the wealth of nations.
In recent months we created the Ukraine Freedom Fund to address special challenges in this war-torn country, and in 2023 we launched a Competitiveness Reform Hub through which our European partners can collaborate and draw inspiration in meeting the acute economic challenges of this decade. These activities complement long-running Atlas Network activities in Europe, including the annual Europe Liberty Forum, the Transatlantic Think Tank CEO Summit, and the Europe Liberty Award.
News & ideas
View All- Institute for Market Economics wins Atlas Network’s 2024 Europe Liberty AwardAtlas Network is proud to present the 2024 Europe Liberty Award to Institute for Market Economics (IME). The award was accepted by Executive Director Svetla Kostadinova at Europe Liberty Forum 2024 in Madrid, Spain.Read Article
- Alessio Cotroneo wins Atlas Network’s Europe Think Tank Shark Tank Pitch competitionA panel of judges at Europe Liberty Forum 2024 chose Alessio Cotroneo of Italy-based Atlas Network partner Instituto Liberale as the winner of the Europe Think Tank Shark Tank competition and its US$15,000 prize.Read Article
- In Europe, only local leadership will shed Soviet-era shacklesWhile the threat of authoritarianism is all too real, the likes of Putin and Lukashenko still fear the ever-beating heart of freedom and human dignity. The war for a free society will not be won from an ivory tower in Washington or Brussels, but only through the action taken by local leaders on the ground.Read Article
- The Gig Economy: Understanding the Who, What, Why, and HowFree Trade Europe, in collaboration with two other organizations, set out to create a more well-rounded picture of the current demographics of gig workers in Europe and understand how they feel about their work.Read Article