Each year, Atlas Network selects ten partner organizations that are punching above their weight and generate impressive returns on philanthropic investment. These teams are known as Atlas Network Smart Bets.
The 2025 Smart Bets partners include groups with a clear track record of success in advancing individual freedom, in addition to up-and-coming rising stars which present unique opportunities for significant impact.
As part of Atlas Network’s Smart Bets program, each group will receive a $25,000 grant and a $10,000 matching grant for the following year.
The members of the 2025 Atlas Network Smart Bets class are:
European Policy Information Center (Europe)
Through their "Boosting Brussels" initiative, EPICENTER will coordinate with their member organizations to conduct 15 research projects in at least ten languages across Europe to advance pro-freedom policy reform in the EU and build a more stable and diverse freedom movement across the continent.
Instituto Liberal de São Paulo (Brazil)
Instituto Liberal de São Paulo will scale up their "Liberdade para Trabalhar" (Freedom to Work) project which has already improved the lives of tens of millions of Brazilians by cutting unnecessary red tape at the state and local level. Through this second phase of their project, they plan to impact 120 million people, or 60% of the country's population. In addition, their "Um CEP para Todos" (A ZIP Code for All) initiative will improve the lives of the poorest individuals living in slums who lack a formal address.
Centro para Renovación Económica, Crecimiento y Excelencia (Puerto Rico)
CRECE will build on their PROSPERA project to grow public support for policy reforms that will make Puerto Rico a better place to live and work. They aim to achieve policy changes in the areas of bureaucracy, taxation, and innovation. These free market reforms will create a more prosperous future for the island.
Africa Centre for Entrepreneurship and Youth Empowerment (Ghana)
ACEYE is looking to increase the impact of their Regional Entrepreneurship Freedom Index, a tool that evaluates and ranks each of Ghana's 16 regions on 14 measures of entrepreneurial freedom. ACEYE will capitalize on the data provided by this survey to present tailored policy reform proposals in each region to help raise their score and improve opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Centre for Public Policy Research (India)
CPPR is building a campaign to advocate for state-level reforms to tackle India's transportation challenges. Their goal is to legalize and liberalize shared transportation and intermediate para transit options to boost individual mobility and economic growth, particularly in rural areas where transportation services are lacking.
Liberalni Forum (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Liberalni Forum will use the opportunity presented by Bosnia and Herzegovina's EU membership negotiations to encourage pro-freedom policy reforms. Their Freedom Hub web platform will offer in-depth analysis of policies, political programs, and politicians’ rhetoric through a pro-freedom lens and popularize policies and reforms that advance liberty.
Montreal Economic Institute (Canada)
Montreal Economic Institute's Liberty & Leadership Program will train and inspire the next generation of civil society and political leaders with the ideas of liberty. Using seminars, internships, and mentoring, MEI will invest in young Canadians who will strengthen the country's commitment to individual liberty and economic freedom.
Digital Media and Research Group (Turkey)
Digital Media and Research Group will make Kuest, their digital publishing platform, a sustainable and popular source for content that advances free markets, individual freedom, human rights, and democracy. Their goal is to make classical liberal ideas approachable through engaging videos.
Fundación P!ensa (Chile)
Fundación P!ensa will study and counteract the rise of authoritarian ideas and movements to ensure classical liberal ideas are widely accepted among voters and lawmakers alike. Through this approach, they hope to make Chile freer and more prosperous than ever before.
Foundation for Economic Education (U.S.)
Foundation for Economic Education will engage and retain a broader audience among the next generation of pro-liberty leaders with their educational and inspirational materials through their FEE++ initiative, positioning FEE as a thought leader and change-maker in the freedom movement.
Over the course of the coming year, the Smart Bets will participate in a virtual pitch competition, with three finalists earning the chance to present their projects and win a $50,000 grand prize at Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner in New York City. All ten Smart Bets will also compete for the $25,000 Smart Bets Impact Award, presented to the most effective organization in the 2025 Smart Bets program.
Register now to join us for the 2025 Smart Bets Virtual Pitch Competition on September 25 by clicking here.