Judges at Asia Liberty Forum 2023 chose Oliver Bryan of Atlas Network partner New Zealand Taxpayers' Union as the winner of the Asia Think Tank Shark Tank competition and its US$10,000 prize.
Oliver wowed our judges with his “TaxSense” initiative, which will build youth engagement with New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union’s outreach efforts and mission to cut taxes and government waste. Oliver’s plan will ensure a generation of New Zealanders committed to reigning in government excess.
Atlas Network’s Coach, Compete, Celebrate model is on full display at each of our four Regional Liberty Forums, through the Think Tank Shark Tank grant competition. In this event, three Atlas Network grant recipients take the stage to pitch a panel of judges—and the audience—on why their project should receive additional funding support. Think Tank Shark Tank and more Atlas Network competitions will be coming to your part of the world. Visit Together.AtlasNetwork.org to receive updates about Atlas Network events in your region.