Dignity Fund

Deadlines: February 1 I June 1 I October 1

Human Dignity Fund 2

As part of our Dignity Unbound project, this funding topic is available thanks to generous support of John Templeton Foundation and the Smith Family Foundation. It provides funding to Atlas Network partners all around the world who have ambitious plans for dignity-based solutions to poverty and strengthening the institutions of liberal democracy. 

Based on a growing body of research and our own institutional work, we are convinced a bottom-up approach centered around dignity holds the key to successful institution-building and widespread poverty alleviation. We believe our think tank partners can be catalysts for the policy reforms that secure this dignity for people in every country of the world. 

There is no specific project type or issue area required, but competitive applications must clearly demonstrate how the proposed initiative directly promotes concrete increases in human dignity and/or broadens understanding and support for human freedom as the essential ingredient for increased dignity and prosperity.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for this opportunity below before applying.

Possible areas for dignity-based projects include but are not limited to:

  1. Securing well-defined, legally secure, transferable property rights for all;

  2. Strengthening legal institutions to provide equal access to the marketplace and to apply justice equally;

  3. Enabling limited government solutions to regulatory questions such as starting a business, getting construction permits, and joining professions; and

  4. Increasing public and institutional appreciation for the presumption of human dignity and liberty as a way to make life and livelihood easier.

This funding topic is available under:

The Public Policy Advocacy Grant Opportunity and

The Engaging Hearts & Minds Grant Opportunity.

Apply now


  • All Atlas Network partners are eligible.

    Not a partner yet? Visit this page to learn more and apply.

  • We suggest a request range of $20,000-$60,000, though other amounts may be entertained. Applicants that have plans to raise additional funds outside of Atlas Network support are preferred. Atlas Network is not endowed and accepts no government funding, so our capacity to give is restricted by its own fundraising success.

  • In addition to submitting the standard grant reports in our application portal, grantees will be invited to participate in a Human Dignity cohort at their respective regional liberty forum and may be asked to participate in a Human Dignity panel during that regional liberty forum.