Illiberalism Fund

Deadlines: February 1 I June 1 I October 1

Resisting Illiberalism Fund 2

The world is witnessing an authoritarian populist surge. Our challenge is not only to protect civil and economic rights, but also to counter a global movement that actively rejects these values.

This funding topic is available thanks to generous support of the Smith Family Foundation and the Rising Tide Foundation, who provides funding to Atlas Network partners all around the world working to counter authoritarianism and the rise of illiberal statist sentiment.

Competitive proposals include educational efforts or awareness campaigns, and they must demonstrate sophisticated, wide-reaching strategies to counter illiberal statist ideas and policies that usually manifest in the form of:

  1. Constitutional reforms designed to increase state control of the media, the electoral process, and the court system;

  2. Policies that reduce the independence of the judiciary;

  3. Weakening of the institutional framework of independent authorities;

  4. Use of tax authorities to target perceived political opponents;

  5. Polemic rhetoric and policies that oppose free-trade, globalization, and promote economic nationalism;

  6. Propaganda that blames economic and other problems on disfavored minorities, including religious, ethnic, sexual, racial, regional, and other minorities, and targets them for retaliation or exclusion from the nation.

This funding topic is available under:

The Public Policy Advocacy Grant Opportunity and

The Shaping Hearts & Minds Grant Opportunity.

Apply now


  • All Atlas Network partners are eligible.

    Not a partner yet? Visit this page to learn more and apply.

  • Atlas Network is not endowed and accepts no government funding, so its capacity to give is restricted by its own fundraising success. Support is typically awarded in amounts of $40,000, on average.

  • On top of submitting the standard progress reports in our portal, grantees may be asked to participate in collaborative workshops and to present elements of their project at Atlas Network events.

  • This funding topic is only available under:

    1. The Public Policy Advocacy Grant Opportunity and
    2. The Shaping Hearts & Minds Grant Opportunity.

    To apply and learn more about the structure of these grant opportunities please click here.