Think Tank
Startup Fund

Deadlines: February 1 I June 1 I October 1

Think Tank Startup Fund 2

This funding topic is available thanks to generous support of the Smith Family Foundation, which provides funding to Atlas Network partners and, by invitation, potential partners all around the world to help new think tank leaders establish and grow new organizations committed to advancing liberty.

We do this through a combination of grants, training, and networking opportunities. If your organization is just getting started or working through a reorganization or relaunch, we invite you to apply for support from our Think Tank Startup Fund. Strong candidates for funding will have enrolled in Atlas Network Academy’s Think Tank Foundations certification and completed the Think Tank Fundamentals and Think Tank Theory & Practice online courses.

This funding topic is available under the
Organizational Capacity Grant Opportunity.

Apply now


  • Partner organizations that were founded in the last five years or are or are working through a reorganization or relaunch are eligible* to apply. Competitive applications demonstrate a strong grasp of the applying organization’s purpose, comparative advantages, and opportunities for influence.

    *Non-partner organizations founded in the last five years can apply by invite-only. If you are interested in applying, please submit a letter of interest.
    Strong applicants will be able to share their written business plan alongside their application; they will have goals centered around institutional growth, including expanding fundraising, reach, and programs capacity.

  • Amounts vary depending on the scope of the proposal and the country in which the project will be taking place and are almost always awarded with a matching funding component.

  • Think Tank Startup Fund grantees are expected to inform Atlas Network of major strategic or operational shifts for the organization. Additionally, they are encouraged to invest time and resources into expanding their donor base.

    As with all Atlas Network grantees, they will be expected to complete formal reporting on achievement related to the outputs and outcomes outlined in their application.

  • This funding topic is available under the Organizational Capacity Grant Opportunity.
    If you’re not yet a partner and are interested in applying, please send us a letter of interest.

Not a partner yet and want to apply?