Dr. Tom G. Palmer is executive vice president for international programs at Atlas Network where he holds the George M. Yeager Chair for Advancing Liberty. He is co-author with Matt Warner of Development with Dignity: Self-Determination, Localization, and the End to Poverty (Routledge, 2022) and with Bryan Cheang of Institutions and Economic Development: Markets, Ideas, and Bottom-Up Change (Springer 2023). He is also a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. Before joining Cato, he was a vice president of the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University. He has worked extensively with NGOs in every region of the world (notably recently including Brazil, Argentina, and Poland).
Palmer has published in journals such as the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Foreign Policy, Ethics, Critical Review, Global Policy, Eurasia Review, and Constitutional Political Economy, as well as in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Die Welt, Caixing, Al Hayat, Boston Review, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and The Spectator of London. He is the author of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice (Cato Institute, expanded edition 2014), the editor of The Morality of Capitalism (2011), After the Welfare State (2012), Why Liberty (2013), Peace, Love & Liberty (2014), and Self-Control or State Control? You Decide (2016), and a contributor to numerous volumes, mostly recently Truth and Governance (Brookings Institution, 2021), co-edited with William Galston. Palmer received his B.A. in liberal arts from St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, his M.A. in philosophy from The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and his doctorate in politics from Oxford University.
- "The Morality of Globalization," Cato.org, April 16, 2024
- "Radical Illiberalism on the Right," Insomnia Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1
- Institutions and Economic Development: Markets, Ideas, and Bottom-Up Change (Springer, 2023, co-authored with Bryan Cheang)
- Development with Dignity: Self-Determination, Localization, and the End to Poverty (Routledge, 2022, co-authored with Matt Warner) (Download)
- El Liberalismo y Las Pandemias, El Universo, June 15, 2020
- The Terrifying Rise of Authoritarian Populism, Reason, August/September 2019 Issue
- Debate: Intellectual Property Must Be Protected, Reason, October 2018 Issue
- They Cannot Make Us Hate Them, Cato Commentary, July 17, 2017
- Why the Worst Now? Liberty Law, February 6, 2017
- In Wake of Orlando, Gays Should Arm Themselves: Otherwise, in Gun-Free Zones Like the Pulse Nightclub, We’re Sitting Ducks to Maniacs and Terrorists, New York Daily News, June 13, 2016
- Capitalism vs. Communism segment, Fox Business News: STOSSEL, February 13, 2015
- Budget 2015: Australia's Greek-lite budget kicks can down the road, Australian Financial Review, May 27, 2015
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